Professional Concrete Parking Lot Repair
Virginia | DC | Maryland | Baltimore
Need a specialist for concrete parking lot repair in Virginia, Maryland, DC or Baltimore?
If your concrete parking lot has fallen into disrepair, crumbling, or otherwise deteriorating, do not risk your clients or employees injuring themselves or their vehicles.
The best, most cost-effective, method for ensuring the safety – and your liability requirements are met – is to get high quality, low cost, parking lot repair and restoration from Concrete Restoration Services.
If you need immediate assistance, just give us a call at 301-261-4933.
Alternatively, you may just click here to contact us.

Why Should I Repave With Concrete?
Today the majority of parking lots are built with asphalt, so you may be wondering why you should continue to maintain a concrete parking lot. The cost of concrete is significantly lower than that of asphalt, which is the first and most paramount reason. Beyond that, even though your lot’s damage might make one not realize it, concrete has a much longer life cycle than its asphalt cousin. Whereas you might need regular joint filling and minor maintenance for your concrete lots, asphalt will need liquid reapplications every couple of years and a couple resurface every ten years.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics posted that the price of liquid asphalt has increased 250% in the past several years, which has lead to a doubling in asphalt paving costs. Not only that, improvements in refining techniques mean that today only 10% of a barrel of oil ends up as liquid asphalt when in the past that was as high as 40%.
Why pay more? Cost effective and of good quality, a well-maintained concrete parking lot will keep your property looking neat and clean, and is really the pragmatic choice.
Concrete Parking Lot Maintenance Tips
Below we present some tips to keeping your concrete lot looking clean and neat. Remember though, if it has fallen into disrepair, Concrete Restoration is here to help you with experienced high quality repair and restoration.
- Periodically keep all traffic off your lot (average three days in the summer, and around seven in the winter). For all businesses it may not be practical, but on those weekends and holidays it is worth letting the material rest.
- Coat the surface in linseed oil in the winter to avoid harsher damage from deicing salts.
- Use sealers to avoid any discoloration and keep the surface of your concrete parking lot looking fresh and nice.
- Sealing your joints regularly to keep out water and debris. By doing so you will not only keep your lot looking nice, and improving your property value, but it will help against natural erosion of your lot.
Why Should You Choose Our Services
For Your Concrete Leveling?
In the Maryland, Washington D.C., or Virginia metro regions, Concrete Restoration Services, Inc. can provide high quality commercial services at low competitive rates.
We have over 30 years of experience cleaning, repairing and maintaining concrete and have built our entire reputation on professional, affordable, and expert services.
Just read what our clients have to say about us:
“The concrete parking lot I inherited on my new property was unusable.
For far less than I expected, the lot was restored and now looks about as pretty as a parking lot could look, thanks to Concrete Restoration Services.”
–Gary Stevenson
Contact Us Today
Call today at 301-579-4312 for more information or a free estimate for your concrete leveling.
You can also click here fill out our online information request form here.
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